Cnr Canning Hwy & Fortescue St, East Fremantle | Sat. 5pm (school terms) | Sun. 10am

Song List


  1. A Mighty Fortress is our God
  2. Across the Land – Newest additions
  3. All for Jesus (Robin Mark)
  4. All Creatures of our God and King (Sovereign Grace)
  5. All I Have is Christ – Newest additions
  6. All I Need – Chip Price
  7. All in all (You are my strength when I am weak)
  8. All that we need – Mark Altrogge
  9. Amazing Grace (+ My chains are gone Vers)
  10. Amazing Love – Graham Kendrick
  11. And can it be
  12. Apostles Creed (To Come Thou Fount)
  13. All People that do Dwell on Earth / Doxology
  1. Bless the Lord (10,000 Reasons)
  2. Be Thou my Vision
  3. Beautiful Saviour (Townend)
  4. Before the throne of God above
  5. Behold our God
  6. Behold the Lamb of God
  7. Better is one day
  8. Blessed be Your Name
  9. Born Anew
  10. By Faith (Getty’s) – Newest additions
  1. Christ is Risen, He’s Risen Indeed – Newest additions (Easter)
  2. Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery – Newest additions
  3. Come People of the Risen King
  4. Come praise and glorify
  5. Come hear the angels sing
  6. Come Thou Fount of every Blessing
  7. Completely Done – Sovereign Grace
  8. Consider Christ
  9. Cornerstone
  10. Crown Him with many Crowns – Hymn
  1. Doxology (All people that on Earth) – Hymn
  1. Ears to hear – Nicky Chiswell
  1. For all You’ve done
  2. Free at last – Chip Price
  1. Grace Alone (Modern Post)
  2. Greater Love – Exalt Band (Liz Gordon)
  3. Give thanks to the Lord – Psalm 136 – Grant Westcott
  4. God has spoken by His prophets – Hymn / George Wallis Briggs
  5. God is Able
  6. God is Working His Purpose out – Nicky Chiswell
  7. Great is Thy faithfulness – Hymn
  1. Happy day – Tim Hughes
  2. He is Lord
  3. He lives in me – Chris O’Brien
  4. Here I am to worship (light of the world) – Tim Hughes
  5. Here is Love, vast as the Ocean
  6. Highest Place (Phil 2)
  7. Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty – Hymn
  8. Holy Spirit (Getty’s) – Newest additions
  9. How deep the Father’s Love for us
  10. How Great is our God – Chris Tomlin
  11. How Great thou art – Hymn
  12. How Majestic – Mark Altrogge
  1. I lift my eyes up – Psalm 121
  2. I Long for the day
  3. I Will go – Jonas Myrin & Natasha Bedingfield
  4. I Will Sing the Wondrous story – Hymn
  5. Immortal invisible – Hymn
  6. In Christ Alone
  7. In His image
  8. In Tenderness – Citizens
  9. Indescribable
  10. It is Finished (Dustin Kensrue)
  11. It is Well, with my Soul
  12. It was Love – Mark Attrogge
  1. Jerusalem – Newest additions
  2. Jesus paid it all
  3. Jesus I my Cross have Taken (A. Chapple Version)
  4. Jesus all for Jesus
  1. Let the Nations tremble (Psalm 99) Grant Westcott
  2. Let Your Kingdom Come – Bob Kauflin
  3. Live for the Kingdom – Rob Smith
  1. Man of Sorrows
  2. Majesty
  3. May the Mind of Christ
  4. My Heart is filled with thankfulness – Stuart Townend and Keith Getty
  5. My Hope is Built
  6. My Hope Is You
  7. My Redeemer Lives
  8. My Worth is not in what I own – Newest additions
  1. No Other Name – Trevor Hodge
  2. Nothing but the blood of Jesus– Citizens Version (using this lately) also Tasker
  3. Name above all names
  4. Never Alone
  1. O Breath of Life
  2. O For a thousand tongues to sing
  3. O Great God
  4. O Praise the Name – Newest additions
  5. Only Jesus
  6. Oh the Deep Deep Love of Jesus
  7. One Way (kids/Youth song)
  8. One pure and holy passion – Mark Altrogge
  9. Open the eyes of my heart – Paul Baloche
  10. Our God
  1. Perfect but Painful Love
  2. Praise Adnai – Paul Baloche
  3. Praise my Soul the King of Heaven – Hymn
  4. Praise to the Lord the Almighty (Upbeat newer L Gordon Vers)
  5. Psalm 23
  6. Psalm 96 – Sing unto the Lord a new song – Greg McDonald
  7. Psalm 103 – Praise, praise the Lord my soul
  8. Psalm 121 – I lift my eyes up
  1. Rejoice – Dustin Kristan – Newest additions
  2. Resurrection – Emu
  3. Resurrection Hymn (See what a morning – Townend/Getty)
  4. Revelation Song – Kari Jobe
  5. Revive us O Lord (only Saturday have done)
  6. Rock of Ages
  7. Rock of our Salvation
  1. Salvation Belongs to our God – Adrian Howard & Pat Turner
  2. Salvation Song – Ad Long
  3. Son of God – Tim Neufeld, Jon Neufeld, Ed Cash & Gordon Cochran
  4. Speak O Lord
  5. Still – Reuben Morgan
  1. Take my life and let it be – Garage Hymnal Vers
  2. Teach us to number our days
  3. Thanksgiving – Rob Smith
  4. The Day will come – Mark Peterson – Newest additions, played once
  5. The Glory of the Cross
  6. The Heavens Sing (lift your voice) – Simone Richardson
  7. The Lion and the Lamb – Newest additions
  8. The Mighty hand of God (Citizens) – Newest additions, played once
  9. The Power of the Cross
  10. The Precious Blood – Peter Gagnon – The Valley of Vision prayer
  11. The Servant King
  12. My Hope is Built
  13. The Voice of the Lord (Psalm 29) – Michael Morrow
  14. The Wonderful Cross – Hymn
  15. The Voice of the Lord
  16. There is a Redeemer
  17. There is no Other Name – Robin Mark
  18. This I Believe (Creed)
  19. This is Amazing Grace
  20. This life I live
  21. Through the Precious Blood – Mark Altrogge
  22. To God be the Glory – Hymn
  1. Undivided
  1. We are His People
  2. We Belong to the Day
  3. What a Beautiful Name it is – Newest additions
  4. What a Friend we have in Jesus
  5. When I survey – Hymn
  6. Where else have we to go? Nicky Chiswell
  7. Worthy of All Praise – Rob Smith
  8. You are my King (Amazing Love) – Billy James Foote
  9. Your Grace is Enough