Kids Church: Material for this service is available here: Kids Church Online – March 21/22.
Youth Church: Sam and Kadin share what it means to be salt & light. Click here.
You can follow this worship service on your phone, computer or cast it to your TV. If you are gathering with others, we suggest you ask different people to lead the various parts of the service, such as the Bible reading, prayer and benediction. If you are blessed to have musically gifted people among you, invite them to play a musical instrument during the songs! You are also welcome to modify this service as you see fit. We hope you and those with you are blessed by this time together.
Step 1. Worship
Let us begin by worshiping the Lord together. Here are some songs that speak about the amazing character of the Lord Jesus Christ.
O Praise the Name | Benjamin Hastings, Dean Ussher, Mary Sampson | Music by Hillsong | CCLI Song # 7037787
God So Loved | Matt Crocker, Marty Sampson | Music by Hillsong | CCLI Song # 7102394
Step 2: Bible Reading
Now let us open up the word and read today’s passage together.
Mark 11:1-11 New International Version (NIV)
Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King
1 As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of his disciples, 2 saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and just as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. 3 If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you doing this?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it and will send it back here shortly.’”
4 They went and found a colt outside in the street, tied at a doorway. As they untied it, 5 some people standing there asked, “What are you doing, untying that colt?” 6 They answered as Jesus had told them to, and the people let them go. 7 When they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks over it, he sat on it. 8 Many people spread their cloaks on the road, while others spread branches they had cut in the fields. 9 Those who went ahead and those who followed shouted,
“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”
10 “Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David!”
“Hosanna in the highest heaven!”
11 Jesus entered Jerusalem and went into the temple courts. He looked around at everything, but since it was already late, he went out to Bethany with the Twelve.
Taken from:
Step 3: Sermon
Now we will hear from Pastor Ray as he preaches to us on this passage. May our ears be open to what the Spirit is saying to us today.
Note: The audio is a bit quiet so please increase the volume until you can hear it comfortably. We are hoping to have improved audio quality by next weekend.
Additional reading referred to in sermon: Exodus 12, 2 Samuel 7, Hebrews 4-5, Hebrews 7-9.
Step 4: Closing Prayer
Let us now pray together.
Example prayer: Dear Father, we pray that you would strengthen us in these changing and uncertain times. Help us not to be anxious or afraid but to trust in your certain and unchanging character. Lord, we pray that you will protect our families and our loved ones from the virus. And we also pray that you will heal those who are sick and guide those who are leading the efforts to fight this virus. May we have courage and wisdom to be your ambassadors in these times. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Step 5: Benediction
Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathise with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are – yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. – Hebrews 4:14-15
May the Lord bless you all and keep you safe.
Love from the East Freo staff, Council and ministry coordinators.