Cnr Canning Hwy & Fortescue St, East Fremantle | Sat. 5pm (school terms) | Sun. 10am

Online Kids Club3

 2020 Online Kids Club Day 3

Click here for some printable activities

Science Experiment

You will need a cup, a piece of paper (or cardboard) bigger than the mouth of the cup, and some water.
*Do This Over The Sink*

  1. Fill half the cup with water
  2. Using your palm, hold the paper / cardboard firmly to the mouth of the cup
  3. Still holding the paper / cardboard, quickly the turn the cup upside-down
  4. SLOWLY let go of the paper / cardboard

Try this with different amounts of water in the cup. Does it make a difference to the end result?

Word Game

Play this by yourself or with someone else.
Think of a theme
Name something starting with A.
Name something that now starts with the last letter of the previous item.
For example:
Theme: ANIMAL – Ape – Elephant – Tiger – Rat…
Theme: FRUIT or VEGETABLE – Apple – Eggplant – Tomato – Orange…