Easter Series: Jesus in Jerusalem – the Last Supper
Read the Bible: Luke 22:14-20
Watch a Video
Discuss Together
“The Passover was a feast the Jews celebrated to remember God’s protection and deliverance.
What do we do to celebrate and remember special events?
Do you eat anything special on these days?”
(eg: birthday, Christmas, Easter).
“Jesus wants his disciples to remember him. What do you know about Jesus? What things can we do to remember him?”
For older children: – The Jews had a covenant with God, all the way back from Abraham, over a thousand years ago. Jesus says that his blood is now the “new covenant” – or new promise between God and us. What do you think this means?”
If you believe in Jesus, what is promised to you? Romans 10:9-13
Get Crafty
Easy colouring – Last Supper
Craft – Cup & Bread origami
Worksheet Activity – Last Supper Picture Search
Fun idea – Eat something that reminds you of a fun time you’ve had in the past.
Application idea – Pray and thank God for 3 specific things