Cnr Canning Hwy & Fortescue St, East Fremantle | Sat. 5pm (school terms) | Sun. 10am

Employment Opportunities

Appointment of New Senior Pastor

Seeking a new Senior Pastor to lead us as we enter a new phase of growth, either on a full-time or close to full-time basis.…….

East Freo Church (East Fremantle Baptist Church) is known for being vibrant, contemporary and welcoming.

Positioned in the heart of the beautiful, leafy town of East Fremantle, it has several fine cafés just a short walk away and is only a few minutes’ drive from parks and the Swan River.

A significant ministry of the church is Stepping Stones Child Development Centre (, a pre-kindy for 3–5-year-old children that was established around 15 years ago. It shares an adjoining playground with the church. Stepping Stones is a not-for-profit related entity (separately incorporated), with its Board being appointed by the church.

We currently have around 150 attendees who call the church home, from culturally, socio-economically and age-diverse backgrounds.
There are 2 services – 5pm Saturday and 10am Sunday. We value friendly, authentic fellowship, and a service style that is gospel focussed and reflective.

Volunteers have been active in running various ministries including Alpha courses, Marriage courses, Youth and Young Adults group, Art and Craft groups, and more.

We’re seeking a new Senior Pastor to lead us as we enter a new phase of growth, either on a full-time or close to full-time basis. Interested candidates should possess many of the following characteristics:

  • Theologically trained and an Accredited WA Baptist Pastor, or willing to attain Accreditation.
  • Pastoral leadership experience in a church or Christian ministry.
  • Holds to a high view of Scriptural inspiration and preaches from that into the real-life situations of people.
  • Works collaboratively with staff and volunteers to build teams and ministries.
  • Values community and interaction with all ages.
  • Enthusiasm and skills to meaningfully support and work with a not-for-profit Childcare centre.
  • Willing to lead us into connecting with our community and welcoming people from different backgrounds and life situations to explore faith in Christ.
  • Leadership experience at a Board level in church and, ideally, not-for-profit settings.

The remuneration package will follow Baptist Churches Western Australia (BCWA) recommended stipends for pastors.

Interested? Please email

Stepping Stones Child Development Centre

The Stepping Stones Child Development Centre was planted in Feb 2010 as an important community initiative of our church. At present, we are looking to fill the following positions:

  • Early Childhood Educators
  • Educational Leader
  • Early Childhood Teacher
  • Administrator

We also offer a scholarship for students currently studying an Early Childhood Education degree at a Bachelor’s level.

If you would like to know more about any of these positions, please visit the Stepping Stones website.