Cnr Canning Hwy & Fortescue St, East Fremantle | Sat. 5pm (school terms) | Sun. 10am


February 2022 Update

Dear church family, Our annual church camp is now only 3 weekends away and we are looking forward to a blessed time away together. We’ve got a wonderful speaker lined up who is going to take us through a fun and informative walkthrough of the Old Testament, we’ve got great food prepared for us by…

January 2022 Update

Dear church family, As we begin the new year in 2022 I imagine that many of us may have mixed emotions.  On the one hand we may be excited about the year ahead and all the opportunities God will provide, yet on the other hand, we may have concerns such as the anticipated wave of…

Important Coronavirus Update

Dear church family, As many of you may have heard, the Australian Government has recently increased their restrictions on public gatherings by limiting them to 100 people. While each of our church services technically fall just below this boundary, the church Council has unanimously agreed to suspend our services and all mid-week church ministries, including…

February 2020 Update

Dear East Freo Church family, It seems only yesterday when we celebrated Christmas and New Year together and our kids were enjoying the summer school holidays!  Now it’s almost the end of February and term 1 is well under way, and even our University students are starting their studies again.  Not only that, but we…

October 2019 Update

Dear East Freo Church family, I hope you are as encouraged as I am to know that despite all the challenges we face, God is still on his throne!  I’ve been powerfully reminded of this truth as we’ve worked through the first portion of the book of Revelation together.  God is still on his throne! …

August 2019 Update

Dear East Freo Church family, I hope you have been enjoying getting into the incredible book of Revelation as much as I have over the last few weeks at church.  Revelation presents a great challenge with its amazing descriptions, its powerful exhortations and its contemporary relevance to our lives.  I have found it particularly rewarding…

June AGM Update

Dear East Freo Church family, It is with joy and confidence in the Lord that we gather together this June for our Annual General Meeting (AGM).  At this time of the year, it is helpful to look back and see the Lord’s blessings on us over the year that has been since our previous AGM…

April 2019 Update

Dear East Freo Church family, It barely feels as though 2019 has started and yet we are already in the final week of term 1 and rapidly approaching Easter!  Even though time is flying by, it has been a joy to worship the Lord with you and fellowship together each week as a community of…

February 2019 Update

Dear East Freo Church family I hope you all had an enjoyable holiday period as we remembered and celebrated the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!  It was both a privilege and a pleasure to welcome so many people from our local community into our church for Christmas.  In addition to our Christmas…

October 2018 Update

Dear East Freo Church family Spring has finally sprung and it is slowly but surely beginning to warm up around Perth with gardens and flowers displaying new life! At the same time, we have been talking about new life in Christ as we have been working through a series looking at the different aspects of…