Cnr Canning Hwy & Fortescue St, East Fremantle | Sat. 5pm (school terms) | Sun. 10am


Which Bible should I use?

One of the questions I am often asked in ministry is this one, “Which Bible should I use?”  Sometimes the question is framed more directly such as, “Why do we use the NIV at church and not the King James Version??  Isn’t the King James the authorised version and the most accurate Bible translation?”  These…

Daniel as a “type” of Christ?

We have recently finished our series called impacT going through a few passages in the book of Daniel and asking the question – how can we impact our community for Christ?  It has been very rewarding for me to read and study Daniel in depth as I have prepared for the messages. While preparing for…

The Passion of Christ

We have recently started our new preaching series called The Passion of Christ and a few people have asked me the meaning behind the name.  For many people, this name conjures memories of Mel Gibson’s 2004 film The Passion of The Christ that graphically depicted the final twelve hours of Jesus’ life before his death…

Leadership 101

In Mark chapter 10, James and John, the sons of Zebedee, come to Jesus and ask him an insanely direct question.  They first try to butter him up by calling him “Teacher”, which would have been a sign of respect, but then they ask Jesus to do for them “whatever we ask”!  I could not…